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  • Writer's picturevanessavecellio

Waiting for normalcy.

It seems a lot of us are feeling the same, lost and drifting in our newly formed world . We want to escape but we're a bit suspicious of the outside world now and how to react to it. It's not the safe, relaxed environment we were used to. It's full of unseen what ifs. What if it doesn't go away, what if it has a second peak in the winter, what if? Living in this half shadowy space is exhausting because you have to be so aware. Whilst shopping, you pick up some fruit and wonder how many other people have done the same. How long can the virus live on different surfaces? I can't remember ,so I hurry through and get what I need so I can head to the sanitiser station. There is no longer lingering.

I have gone again into the dark side of the world that is a shopping centre, but I go when the schools have returned and I arrive when I know the parents are picking them up. It's quiet and peaceful and I help myself everywhere to the hand sanitiser even if I haven't touched anything! If only we were in the business of making hand sanitisers, how rich we would be. I think I'm fairly clever coming at this time until I realise most shops close early in these pandemic days, which is good as I end up leaving empty handed.

I am starting to think we're getting close to normalcy until the daughter tells me there's two schools in the eastern suburbs with cases, one of which started with the one student but now ten have it and they've been shopping at Bondi, Randwick and probably elsewhere. How did they get it with the hotel quarantining and the fact that there's hardly any cases? Where does it hide? Luckily I'm still in disinfecting mode but I was thinking about relaxing a bit. Remember when you went out shopping, touching things, opening doors, going to public toilets without a care in the world?

On a happy note, the daughter ran into a neighbour of ours who's been working from home and homeschooling her two girls.She went back to work and they went back to school and she's missing being with them, schooling them; she's hoping she can work from home more. As for the daughter and I washed the outside of my bin! That's something that only happens yearly, I'm suspecting it'll occur more regularly now. Not only that, but instead of throwing out a brown banana, I was inspired by my neighbour to make a cake. Since I only had the one banana, it was a small cake but an achievement nonetheless. I also made toasted muesli, had dinner ready to go by 4 pm; drinks with my neighbour by five; the daughter has found a polish for the floors and they are gleaming; she's potted in her garden station where she's growing seedlings and propagating; she's whipped up a few candles. We ran into our girl who lives at the bottom of the garden and she'd made breads rolls, a banana cake and dinner. It was just on 4 pm!

Me superimposed over an art project I'm doing with an online art group. Having fun with colour. These are things I haven't done in so many years. Quarantine creativity is a thing.

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