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  • Writer's picturevanessavecellio

Spring cleaning the rabbit hole.

The second coming is arriving. My last post was about tentative hope, now we have tentative anxiety creeping back in. I've been down redecorating the rabbit hole and haven't written in a while. My creativity has listed dangerously to the edge of an abyss, like a lot of people who've found it hard to settle and search for a way forward in this strange new world. I've noticed that a lot of potters and painters whom I follow on Instagram are stuck in the vortex of this unsettling time. I admire the people who can move through this pandemic and keep up optimism. I haven't been one of them for the last couple of weeks. When deep in lockdown and hotel quarantined, I was inspired! You couldn't hold me back! Now I've succumbed to the collective uncertainty, which is something I don't think we, as humans, deal well with. People, to whom I've spoken to overseas, especially in America, are feeling the weight of depression as the possibility of movement to other countries is getting further away.

And as for hugging - it wasn't in, then we ventured out of the hug-free zone, and then our need for physical touch took over and we dared hug briefly and now, distance is the new norm again. Our bodies, I think, are confused and nervous.

At the moment, there are very few glimpses of normalcy for us to view ; therefore the refurbishment of the rabbit hole seemed like a good idea. A spring clean of frayed parts of me, of letting go of faded beliefs that no longer serve me; are a couple of good things happening down here.

So until things get a little more certain, it's not such a bad idea to head down to your individual rabbit holes for a bit of a spring clean, throw out the old, bring in the new and get ready for the release from this fear that's surrounding us. Oh, an order a mask while you're at it.

How I'd like my rabbit hole to look, eclectic and vintage.

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