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  • Writer's picturevanessavecellio

Self Isolation Days 57/58/59. Down the rabbit hole.

So quarantine fatigue is a thing. I've got it. How many of you out there have it? I thought I was the only one until a friend from the USA sent me an article on it. I have lost my momentum, my motivation, my mojo. I requested a pilates dance link from another friend who, after she sent it to me, asked if I'd tried it: I said I was down the proverbial rabbit hole. She was philosophic about it: as long as you're down there with the essentials: alcohol, chocolate and a good book. She was right of course, I had just come back with a tub of ice cream. I told her I would take it down with me. I might need a fridge down the rabbit hole: for the ice for the Negroni and now for the ice cream. A comfy chair could be handy as well. I looked up the expression - Down the rabbit hole. It's a metaphor for something that transports someone into a wonderfully (or in my case, troublingly) surreal state. I spoke to the sister and the neighbour to tell them about it and they were there themselves! I am not alone! In fact, there are probably so many rabbit holes that people have fallen into with this covid virus that the ground under our feet could literally cave in. At least I'm in good company.

I dragged my feet into the writing/art room today. I have had so many excuses not to be here. It's cold (which is true and the gas guy visited and will be fixing the situation next week); I have no inspiration to write because I'm not doing much (that's true, I get up in the mornings and try for most of my day to skirt around the thought that bed is the best place to be, this is not good for the mind or the body or for writing stories); I have other things to do,( I am a landlady after all, but that activity does not a day fill); there is something wrong with me (I seem to be always tired but that was explained by the quarantine fatigue so I probably haven't got anything seriously wrong). All I have to do is open the french doors and step in after I emerge from the rabbit hole blinking slightly at the bright lights. But I did it! Let's see how long I stay here. I'll let you know.

Me when I actually went out and merged with a swan.

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