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  • Writer's picturevanessavecellio

Self Isolation Day 60. Time warp.

I think this will be the last day of the self isolation heading. Today I wasn't isolated, today I managed to stay outside of the rabbit hole. I sniffed the air, finally decided I would have to acknowledge winter, put on socks and a jacket and headed out into the dangerous world of the shopping centre. My favourite shop was opening up and had a sale. I haven't even been interested in driving, I've been walking everywhere but today, I started up Conchita (my little cappuccino fiat 500 who was named after Conchita Wurst the year she won Eurovision which was the year I bought my car) and took her for a whirl. I went a bit early to avoid the crowds I was expecting on the day Sydney was taking baby steps towards normalcy but surprisingly, the shops weren't crowded. Most shops were still closed, what made shops open while others stayed shut, I couldn't work out, but it did feel like we were heading back into the real world ,for better or for worse. There was a line up at Louis Vuitton which I thought was strange butt maybe that's how the rich navigate getting out of quarantine. Had they been waiting patiently to buy an expensive bag? There were quite a few men, had they been annoying their partners so much during isolation that they were buying apology gifts? Who knows, I had got what I came for and didn't feel like browsing. Covid self protection was still paramount in my blood stream. Lack of proper realisation of time is not.

I was talking to the girls about when the new moon would appear, I assumed it would be soon as we had full moon a couple of weeks ago. They said it had appeared last Thursday. I disagreed. It had been the week before, I said. They said it hadn't been. I looked it up. It had been last Thursday! It seemed so long ago and the night had been balmy. We had sat outside, drunk our full moon potion (wine) and written a list of things we wanted to get rid of (self isolation) and things we wanted to manifest (moving out of self isolation; although this was disputed as we all agreed we were saving money by not going out, and paying off our credit cards was a good thing). It's as if I'm in some sort of time warp. The days have extra corona hours in them which I thought I should put into good use. Still skirting around the rabbit hole, I entered the room of creativity and started to write my travel book and not only that, I started making jewellery again. What has happened to me? Will it last? Or will the rabbit hole beckon with it's mini fridge full of gelato, alcohol and chocolate ?

Mokume gane polymer earrings with rhodonite drops.

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