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  • Writer's picturevanessavecellio

Self Isolation Day 50/51. Isolation craft.

I had no time to write yesterday as I became obsessed with my no sew rag rug!.It is the perfect self isolation therapy! It's fiddly, time consuming and as you make it, you disappear into a place of no thoughts. I don't know about everyone else but I dream in Covid. Weird dreams wake me up around 3 pm. Usually about trying to get out of places, or social distancing dilemmas. When I'm creating my rag rug, nothing else exists. I can highly recommend this if you have 9 sq m of old material lying around and a good pair of scissors. Warning: There's a lot of cutting of strips but I reiterate - worth it.

I had a 'down the rabbit hole' day yesterday after another night of dreams and waiting to fall back to sleep. I woke more tired than when I went to bed. I walked to the shops, stood on my circles, disinfected my hands before and after but what I really wanted to do was to go to my favourite cafe, Fred's in Paddington and have a piccolo, overlooking the bar that came from Paris, imagining myself back there. A year away has done some serious damage. I am still not comfortable being back in Australia. I have been spoilt by ancient history, by civilisations that began with standing stones, with magic, with golden ages spawned by pandemics. I read an article that after the Great Plague came the Renaiisance. Hopefully we will have the same happen. Although I wonder if that will occur in Australia where the Arts have been ignored and neglected for a long time. And now, when we are utilising tv and movies to get us through the isolation periods, the Arts industry has been left out entirely whereas in Europe, each country has had massive stimulus packages, including $320 million in the UK for the arts sector and artists are eligible in Germany for $30,000 in subsidies.

After coming back from the shops, I searched for a bit of sunlight and guess where it was? On my bed! But as I lay there, I realised I was back to my old patterns. I decided I should sleep on the other side of the bed and move my chair into the sunlit corner. I'm hoping that works.

Me in a cafe bar in Paris.

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