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  • Writer's picturevanessavecellio

Self Isolation Day 45. Good things are coming.

I'm still finding my feet, it's like I'm on a boat that has just been through stormy waters and has had to land somewhere else other than the destination you were headed for. What to do here? Well, for a start we've continued the big clean out. The loungeroom is now a no go zone until Vinnies reopens. I have made a writing space and a creation space. The daughter on the other side of the same room has made a crystal alter and a meditation zone. We have changed direction but we're determined to make the best of it.

Every part of my body aches from going up and down the stairs, carrying furniture and bags of non essential items. I thought the exercise I was taking during quarantine would have seen me through but it was sadly deficient in walking stairs and carrying loads. Neither the daughter and I could sleep, I kept on thinking I was in the hotel and would wake disorientated. Needless to say coffee was required upon waking. I have to say it's disconcerting to have self cater again, I'm back to living on apples and cheese after my morning coffee. Hopefully survival instincts will kick in and I'll want to cook a proper meal again.

I heard from a friend today, whom I met overseas ,that as soon as Sicily reopens her borders, the government is saying they will cover half of flight costs and a third of hotel expenses to re-tourist Sicilia! Strangely enough, whilst cleaning, I found a tin sign with Sicilia written on it that I found in Cefalu. I consider it a sign as I got my friends message not long after I remember my three weeks there waking to the morning heat and meeting my friend to have a ricotta croissant (out of this world) and a macchiato before we walked to our language school. Good things are coming to those who wait.

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