Sydney welcomed us with airport staff, border control, nurses, police and army officials. Most of them had a smile for us, all were gloved and masked. The girls were worried their temperatures might be up as they were so nervous, they were sweating. Temperatures were perfect, we were moved onto the next station, border control; our bags we treated as if heavily contaminated. Next we were ushered through to the police contingent who told us to wait at the proper distance and slowly we were told to go through to the bus. One unmasked lovely police woman smiled at us every time she walked past. It made you feel human. I smiled back through our masks and I wondered how much a smile found it's way to your eyes, I did the thumbs up just in case it didn't. On the bus, we were separated and single, my main concern dispelled but there was a long wait and the aircon was freezing so by the time we set off to the hotel, I badly wanted to pee. We were dropped at a hotel in the city, not Penrith (it was on the list with bad reports). We were the first on the bus but last off and the wait seemed endless as they let us off one by one. I had to pee. The lobby was full of police and army reserve. How many does it need to get us to a hotel room? I had to pee. Line up for another policewoman to take down details. Endless questions, almost finished, I could see the toilet but no, she lost all my data. We started again. I really had to pee. Finished but then it all began again registering at the hotel. I had to pee! Finally, finally finished. Army guys escorted me to the lift with my bag and then off I went to the 10th floor. I had to pee. A policemen said I shouldn't have come alone. I think at that point I had re-absorbed! More waiting while they contacted the army guys so had to wait until they arrived and escorted me to my door. That's where your taxpayers money is going folks. I peed.
And then I took in my surroundings. Tenth floor views over Kings Cross, big room and a spa. Better than anything I could afford overseas, no complaints. Waited for dinner to arrive, it was nine. After telling them I was highly allergic to red meat, of course I got bolognaise but at ten, they sent me up grilled chicken and salad. I was impressed. So far, so good. I have a stuffy nose but that is probably from the aircon on the plane (note my positive thinking), I can taste and smell, so all good. Bit of a cough but as soon as I start thinking of the virus, the cough arrives. Surprisingly the girls get placed next door to me, not that we can see each other but it's comforting. Food is delivered outside the door, we are not allowed to step outside our door except to collect our food. A policeman is watching at all times. Welcome to life on the inside.