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  • Writer's picturevanessavecellio

Self Isolation Day 15. Creativity isn't quarantined.

I dreamt I was in a plane whose wing clipped a mountainside but we managed to come down safely and we all emerged. I am hoping that's a metaphor for this time. My inner self lost today but gave a good fight. It suggested I stay in bed for the day as it felt like I was coming down with cough and a sniffle and headache that were only on one side (was that a strange not so common symptom?) which is a good reason to rest but I got out into fresh air and it seemed to go. I do more steps than ever because as soon as you see someone coming you cross the road or they do. I zigzagged around the streets then came home and made myself do a painting and disappeared into a realm of colour for a while.

Tonight the daughter kept us entertained by learning to Line dance online. I'm not going to lie, she was pretty darn good at it. Meanwhile back in Australia,another friend of hers found a clothes rack on the street and has nearly finished making an incredible rug using it as a frame. Another friend made a great video on going on a pub crawl within the confines of her home, something I'm ready to try this weekend. Here in our apartment in Bordeaux, Sims houses are being created with style and panache. Creativity is coming to the fore to save us in this strange time we find ourselves in. We are learning things we didn't know before which is that toilet paper and flour in a pandemic are more important than we thought. I love that here in France, bread shops have been declared essential business, makes sense really. Luckily I'm quarantined here. Also glad that here the clapping continues every night at eight for the amazing health care workers.

Mandarins in Catania against an amazing mosaic wall in the room where I stayed.

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