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  • Writer's picturevanessavecellio

Return to Lisbon.

This is a prelude, a short interlude to the best story of my 14 months away. We came back to Lisbon to divert to other locations, other countries. The daughter to Bordeaux to see her partner, her company to Australia and London and Morocco! Excitement has taken over apprehension. What a multi dimensional crowd we are!

The daughter and I lunched at the loveliest restaurant....Leitaria a Camponeza. This was an old shop that sold milk and all things milk related back in the day. It is Art Nouveau and so beautiful. I embarrass the daughter by taking photos of everything. The food is great and comes with olives and bread and we order green wine. Then we explore together, walking past the gorgeous tiled buildings. So much colour and design!

That night we all meet up for a last meal together and then head to a rooftop bar that overlooks the castle on an almost full moon. Tomorrow, Friday13th, we all go our separate ways. Tomorrow I'll be in Morocco!

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