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  • Writer's picturevanessavecellio

Quarantine Day 41. Quarantino.

I missed the significance of Day 40 yesterday. The daughter reminded me that it was the amount of time people were quarantined during the Black Plague in Italy - quarantino. It may have come from biblical times - the Flood, Jesus's time of fasting in the wilderness. Maybe it's a spiritual marker of survival and that's why I was wandering in the proverbial wilderness on day 40. Because I did. I ended up eating the chocolate I was having one line of everyday (sounds like a drug taking activity); I ate the tiny friand they sent up with lunch; the camembert and biscuits a kind friend had sent; I drank the last of the alcohol watching the late afternoon birds, with a tear in my eye and also a question - why do birds land on the edge of a roof and hover there? Why not in a safe spot further in? Why? No one has asked Google that question so I may never know. But I think you all know what this means - I totally lost it yesterday.

I binge watched The Big Bang Theory and could understand Sheldon more than I would have liked to. I watched a movie and made it through to the end (very unlike me, the restless soul that I am.) They brought us dinner at 5 pm! Luckily I had started drinking at 4.28. I was trying to wait for 4.30 but it couldn't be done, if I had teared up at 'the birds on the edge' situation without a drink, it was time to bring aperitivo time forward. When I first arrived in hotel quarantine I had hopes of starting aperitivo at 6, maybe only drinking on the weekend. I am now starting at 4.28! All days of the week. I have to say eating alone at 5 pm sucks. I don't mind eating on my own in a crowded restaurant but I start to wonder what it's going to be like when the daughter leaves home and I'm not overseas on holiday. I may just have to become an perpetual traveller. With that in mind I log into my free blogging course that assures me I can travel and make money as I go. We shall see.

Ps. Oh, and my faithful Cupcake candle spluttered to an end and sent up it's final plume of smoke.

Photo blend from a pierogi restaurant in Poland with a Van Gogh inspired theme.

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