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  • Writer's picturevanessavecellio

Quarantine Day 38/39. Stockholm Syndrome.

I hardly slept the last two nights. Covid dreams break my sleep as I can imagine they're doing to most people. Last night I didn't look at statistics or news and I slept. I've been dreaming of trying to get out of countries, vague blurry dreams with the same theme. a week after we left, France stopped anyone from leaving so we were lucky, although I do miss the nightly clapping that bound us all together.

From three p.m, I start to go a bit stir crazy. I can fill up the space until then but it's too early for wine time. What to do? This is when I start bird watching. They've obviously got the 3 pm blues as well, as at that time, two swallows begin to circle, they seem to be just having fun, maybe they've already had wine time; the pigeons land and have a chat, the males all cocky and hopeful, the females disinterested, they're waiting for wine time; cockatoos strut up and down the rooftop below me with no social distancing ethics at all. Then I notice a guy on the rooftop carpark skipping but without a skipping rope. This inspires me to do the same, had a good workout, both of us.

The food delivered today was restaurant quality! I text the daughter, she tells me to look up Stockholm Syndrome, she said I've got it. I've never heard of it but I research it. It's when the captive starts to be fond of the captor. When I rang earlier to get some more chamomile tea sent up, I complimented them on the food improvements. She's right.

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