I found another window that opens 10 cm! The daughter aways says I don't notice anything. In my defence it was hidden behind the curtains but it made my day. It's the little things. Then she mentioned she was getting someone to drop off a plunger coffee pot with coffee to herself in the other room. Genius! Why didn't I think of that! I plotted and planned and involved friends. One had a plunger, she offered to get the ingredients and to walk to another friend's house to drop them off and then the husband of the house picked up the wife from work and dropped them to the hotel, then a friendly young army guy delivered them to my room with a smile. It was like a tactical manoeuvre. I am now in possession of a new morning ritual! It's the simple things.
I ordered a bottle of wine and my friend delivered matches. What for you may ask? In France, the daughter had a delivery of #Yankeecandles, I brought one back with me but had no way of lighting it. It is lit, the air is fragrant with Vanilla Cupcake, I have my wine and I am watching the flight of different bird species. I have become an observer. Just before sunset, when the sky starts to pink up on the horizon, come the ibis, then an odd swallow and then the bats fly past. They all fly from east to west (except for the swallows who just seem to be having a bit of fun). I've never sat and watched, I usually move about and and I was always in the process of finding things to do to fill in the empty spaces of my life without my late husband. I have to say this virus, for me, ( being now in the safety net of not getting it), has changed my life.
My daughter commented on a selfie I put up on Instagram and said: 'Isolation suits you.' She's right in a way. There is nowhere to go or things to do to put off my creativity any more. Before this, from being a fervent creator of all things (jewellery, pottery, painting, renovation, gardening, mosaics etc), I went to thinking that I couldn't see the point of any of these things. Now I realise there doesn't have to be a point, I can just do these things for me. I have had to do them in this self isolation period to prevent myself from sinking into the watery depths of the depression I was in last year, and so my creativity has become my life jacket. I am finding myself again behind a door in a hotel room that I can't exit for the time being. The solitude has woken apart of me that I thought had been packed away forever. And this is a big thing.
Onions at a market in France.