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  • Writer's picturevanessavecellio

Quarantine Day 35. I Can Breathe Again.

The test for the daughter was negative! I can breathe again. I didn't realise how stressed I was. I have been reading so many articles on younger people getting really sick with this virus and I was so worried that if she did have it, I wouldn't be able to get to her. I'm day 5 also, so my chances of getting it are getting lower; although the nurse that rings everyday said I wouldn't be completely safe until day 14.

We celebrated with Uber Eats. Strangely the most exciting part of the delivery was the fact that I saw humans for the first time in days! A policeman and an army guy ( both quite attractive I may add ) delivered it to my door (tax payers money well spent) and they smiled! The staff here drop off the food and are gone in a flash before you open your door. I was so happy, I don't think I realised how much I was missing human contact. Having travelled solo for most of last year, I thought I'd be fine with this solitary confinement but in reality, you don't really travel alone as you're in proximity of people. I plan on ordering again when I need to see a smiling face.

The day, although busy with my various activities, saw me fall through a few cracks that obviously I hadn't sewn up. I think it's because of the aloneness and not being able to open a door and take yourself out into the sunshine, into outside life. After last year's bout of anxiety and depression, I didn't want to go down into nothingness again so I've been trying the deep breathing technique and it works! Can recommend it highly. Onwards and upwards.

PS. And thank you everyone for your concern about our food! We've got it sorted with our delivery of fresh fruit and salad ingredients. All good.

Selfie from my conference room.

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