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  • Writer's picturevanessavecellio

Quarantine Day 33/34. Awaiting results.

The daughter is sweating, feels cold and has a sore throat. A nurse in a Hazmat suit came and did a test, the daughter said her nose feels violated. Awaiting results. Received care packages delivered to my door by a policeman and an army guy (taxpayers money well spent). As lunch was another inedible coolish pasta meal, as was dinner that night (two pieces of broccoli and some capers fished out of the pasta). I lunched and dined instead on cucumbers, celery and some delicious camembert and gourmet biscuits. I am renewed.

I came in late to the office on Saturday as I was doing an online Pattern and Design course to create fabrics. Stopped in for a quadruple Nescafe packet coffee and then off to Dance classes and gym. By the time I jogged to the office an then went to my art class, the sun had sunk well enough into the sky for me to have my 5.30 pm drink. This was on Saturday. By Sunday, I was thinking about starting cocktail hour at 5.30, I texted this desire to a friend at 5.02 pm. She texted straight back and said she'd started 2 minutes ago: 'If you start now,' she recommended, 'you'll get an extra half an hour.' The best advice I'd had in years! I took it on board and by 5.05, I had implemented her recommendation.

I managed to get through Saturday with flying colours but by Sunday afternoon, I had become slightly unstuck. I had come to the end of being creative, of being energetic. I hadn't been sleeping well as I awoke two nights in a row thinking I'd heard my daughter calling me and hadn't been able to get back to sleep so easily. I think it's because if she is diagnosed with the C virus, I won't be able to be with her; worse than that, we've found out she would be taken to another hotel. My thoughts after midnight were catastrophic as you can well imagine. I tried to watch Netflix with limited success as I just couldn't concentrate, I read, I paced, I ate the chocolate ration I'd requested in my care package. I fell asleep at 10, woke at 2, fell asleep around 4, was wide awake at 5. Fun times.

Below is a watercolour I finished of two ladies I photographed in Seville, Spain. Memories!

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