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  • Writer's picturevanessavecellio

Paralysed will. Time delayed.

Updated: Jul 1, 2020

My new life of last blog is being delayed due to Covid. What to write about now that the quarantine restrictions have lightened significantly in Australia; at least, for now. There are articles appearing about the renewed threat, the second coming so to speak but for now, we are fairly safe. As long as we don't venture far. We aren't allowed to. This is almost as bad as the fear of the virus. Not being allowed to, is something that is apart of our childhood, not our adulthood.

I went to my chiropractor because my sleeping, like so many other's, has been derailed significantly since the pandemic has plagued us. He uses EFT, emotional freedom technique as well has chiropractic. It involves tapping on meridian points to release issues. He said so many people have come to him with 'paralysed will' because our freedom has been curtailed. Something we, as a generation, have never experienced before. And yes, it's for our own, and other's good but the significance mentally of this virtual imprisonment within our state, within our country, brings with it angst and fear. Fear that if we have a sneeze, could it be the big C? Should we be tested, should we isolate immediately or is it just a bit of hayfever? Our whole heightened awareness I think is causing us sleeping issues. The fact that there is so much uncertainty about how life will go forward, postulated and repeated by the media is enough to keep us awake at night. I know I shouldn't keep abreast of the news but it's like Pandora's box and the temptation to check is always there.

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