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  • Writer's picturevanessavecellio

I am not alone.

Just when you think we're on our way to recovery...we're not. The whole world is sagging under the weight of Covid. Our emotions are on a rollercoaster of hope, despair and an attempt of resignation. I no longer look at holidays I might take, even in our country; things change daily now.

Speaking to others, bed has become our refuge, we nestle there if we can; Netflix, Stan etc have become our respite from the daily news; we think of having birthday/dinner parties but then realise things could change before we can follow through; artists I follow on Instagram, are saying creativity has plummeted to zero levels; University students can't socialise within the environs of the university; people who can still work must live with perpetual worry that clients, students, patients may have the virus. Everything is becoming an effort; do we risk going out for pleasure any more? Do we have the energy to fill in all the paperwork if we do? I braved a cafe this morning. I was greeted with a smiling face and the phone photo tap. There were questions to be answered; temperature to be taken; order to be done and paid for online and all I wanted was a piccolo coffee! Definitely not worth it, for them or me. If I go again, I'll order a meal as well, and take a friend. I would have felt guilty going alone but the place was almost empty. I was thinking of maybe taking myself out to dinner but would feel bad about taking up a table for one. As I drink my tiny coffee, the daughter sends me a Covid -19 update for our area - 2 new cases. Where have they been? Here, where I sat?

I decide I have to do something semi creative and am proud of the fact that I filled up a whole day accomplishing that endeavour. I'm going to revamp the lounge room. Lounge to sell, one to buy on sale , paint to decide on, purchasing the paint. Creativity without actually having to come up with ideas. I congratulate myself on my creative, non creativity. The man in the paint shop said everyone has been buying paint, they've been selling out. I am not alone.

Ps. Next post will be about my year travelling last year. It's time to take a look back.

That's me in the middle thinking: Is it worthwhile going to a cafe again?

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