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  • Writer's picturevanessavecellio

A brave new world?

In so many ways this week has changed us. Most of us were babies when the Civil Rights Act of 1964 ended segregation in public places and banned employment discrimination on the basis of race, colour, religion, sex or origin in America. How far have we come? It's now taken a new generation to take up the cause and I admire the way they are using the platform of Instagram to further it. I'm a newbie and without knowing the ins and outs and algorithms of Instagram, I got myself into trouble (in a helpful way) ,by not knowing what I was doing. Still, my platform is small, I'm not an influencer. I leave that to the Instagram savvy. But it was a lesson of political correctness, which is so much apart of today's society, one in which people of my age, flounder. I think I should stick to feeding those who post correctly and go to protests.

I haven't blogged because of what went on in the world this week, people with the right voices and the knowledge to use them need to be heard. We, as a human race, know what to do, we just need to do it! It's a wake up call and maybe it's come out the Coronavirus hijacking of our lives. Maybe Mother Earth has had enough and has sent out envoys to do what must be done to change humanity before it's too late. To me she is a living, breathing entity, goddess, being and mother, maybe she is reminding us that she is more powerful than us all. We have forgotten her for so long, taken her for granted, polluted and raped her resources. Time is of the essence, for the planet and for it's people that have been subjugated for too long.

We had a ceremony under the full moon, that lights up her darkness the other night, and we lit candles for loved ones and for the world that is coming to grips with pandemics and discrimination. We wished for the manifestation of peace and justice for all and an end to this pandemic. But sometimes plagues usher in Renaissance. Let's hope this one does.

Me and my painting of the week.

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